Saturday, November 26, 2011

My Internet Life is Officially Validated

Alright. My life is awesome beyond all recognition right now.

So I'm mindin my own business and I think, "Oh! Let's check teh Tumblr!
Hum dee dum dee dum..."

"Buuuuuuhhhh nyyeeehhhhh rrrrrgghhhhh... Holy crap... I must make hilarious, creative posts now and forever if SHE'S following me!"

So then I check dA.

I'm verklempt... Talk amongst yourselves. Oh my gooooooosh... Such wondrous pressurrrre... I must make masterpieces now and forever, because crappy doodles just ain't gonna cut it no more!"

And then I check my notes.

"Your comic's gonna be up on dA tomorrow, my dear! "

HOLY PORKWICH, BATMAN!! I CAN'T EVEN. I've been so smiley. Excited just doesn't doesn't convey what I am right now.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Letters I Want to Send

I have some letters I wish I could send to people.

Dear Handsome Young Man sitting over there,

Hi. Soooo I noticed you're attractive. I thought you should know that your nerdy allure is most appreciated. I'm really hoping this going to the library at the same time thing becomes regular, because the view is nice from here. Please don't be like the guy from psych and disappear from my life.

Sincerely, the Creepy Stalker Girl Over Here

P.S. If you kiss that ho that just walked up, I'll be sorely disappoint- NOOOOOO!!!

P.P.S. I don't care. I'm still looking.

Dear Beautiful Adonis from psychology,

Why? WHY on EARTH did you have to drop that class?? I saw you the first day and I assumed my eyes were going to be graced by your presence errday, but APPARENTLY I was wrong! I don't even know your name to stalk you on facebook! Taunting me with your beautiful face and perfectly toned yet lean body was just cruel. It's like if you gave a man the gift of flight then viciously ripped his wings off the next day. But I enjoyed what we had while it lasted. And by that, I mean I loved walking behind you on my way to the library. It was an honor and privilege that few are blessed to experience and I shall never forget it nor your fabulous calves.

Sincerely, Wingless

Dear Know-it-All in my philosophy class,

Just because you took one philosophy class once does not make you an authority on philosophy! No one is impressed by what is no doubt your short list of advanced philosophy vocabulary that you Google before class to look smart. However, I appreciate that you comment rarely and appropriately, unlike that douchebag who can't keep his mouth shut.

Sincerely, Rolled-Eyes

Dear Douchebag in my philosophy class,

NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY! I'm so tired of your stupid comments, idiotic swearing, your constant challenging of everything the teacher has to say, and your thinking that you're such a mature adult. You're like 30. Get over yourself. I also learned recently that you have a kid. My most sincere condolences to the woman you tricked into a relationship and the child who carries your genetic makeup. Please do us all a favor and cease to express any thoughts you might have ever. I swear, every time your open your mouth I lose more and more faith in humanity

Sincerely, That Girl Giving You Dirty Looks the Whole Hour

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kenzie Quotes

So last night Aubri came over and she was distraught because she almost got into a car accident. So with tears in her eyes she came in and was relaying to us the story of her would-be accident when Mackenzie comes in, looks at her, and says, "Your mom's gay!" I was trying to tell her that she shouldn't say things like that, but Aubri was just laughing :)

Oh, and Mackenzie just said to me, "I'm still deciding whether or not you are a person who could go to heaven." It's a real eye-opener, knowing that your sister believes she has the authority to pass that kind of judgement. Dad asked about his and mom's statuses, and APPARENTLY they're heaven material, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong by her, here.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kenzie Quotes

So Mackenzie comes up behind me singing, "Your neck bone's connected to your... shoulder bone!" I turn around and she has that bone from Mexico wedged between her chin and that little dip in the clavicle. She then, upon seeing me laugh, ushered me to my blog to add it to "Kenzie Quotes." ;)

Monday, August 1, 2011


Soooo I'll just go ahead and retract that statement from before, on account of these photos:

They're freaking PERFECT!! I LOVE them!! At first Jennifer Lawrence looked all blonde and prettay and voluptuous, but now I'm like And I've always said Josh Hutcherson was going to grow up to be hot since Bridge to Terabithia came out, but I couldn't see him as Peeta. But with the blonde hair and everything he totally fits the part! GAH!! I'm SO PSYCHED yoo gaiz!

Aaaand I still don't care about Gale. They could have casted him as a cut of ham with a pocket knife and I would have been satisfied.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Kenzie Quotes

I thought I should immortalize her words from this evening:

"I'm telling you guys, I'm the voice. I'm the voice of the family, I'm the voice of life, I'm the voice of the city. Good night."

These were her closing remarks to my dad as she was going to bed, to which I burst out laughing and he said, "Sami! Hurry!"
