SPOILER ALERT! You've been warned!Soooo I just saw Megamind and I gotta say it was an awesome movie. It was so dang hilarious! What I love is that in most good vs. evil movies the central theme is how good will overcome evil. What this movie does is progress that part really quickly and gets to the main focus of the movie, which is Megamind trying to find his self identity within the good and evil spectrum. He actually defeats Metro Man within the first half hour or so, leaving the rest of the movie for him to comes to terms with his feelings for Roxanne, his villainy, his purpose, etc.
Alrighty so I love the character designs. From Megamind's overly-sized, blue head to Metro Man's Leno-worthy chin, every character looked fabulous.

Okay, Megamind and Roxy are just too cute. I mean, it's awkward at times, it's unexpected, it's unlikely, and I think that's what make it so sweet. I dunno, I just love them :)
The humor in this movie was actually laugh-out-loud funny, not just laugh-quietly-to-myself funny. I love his constant mispronunciation of words ex. "bolo," "Metrocity," "revanche," "shool," etc. Also, the spin off of the Obama Hope poster was awesome.
Favorite quotes time!
"Oooh, I'm shaking in my custom baby seal leather boots!" -Megamind
"I've been watching you, like a dingo watches a human baby..." -Hal
"Uh... Yeah, the spyiiider. Even the smallest bite from 'arachnis deathicus' will instantly paralyze... Aargh! Get it off!" -Megamind
"Death ray readying! "
"Let's see if Metro Man can withstand the full concentrated power of the sun! FIRE! ...Fire!"
"Still warming up, sir."
"Warming up? The sun is WARMING UP?"
-Megamind and Minion
"Just a few alterations, and I will be done with your cape! I'm calling it, the Black Mambaaaaa...!" -Minion
"Use the spray!"
"It's out!"
"Well, use the forget-me stick!"
-Megamind and Minion
"OW, my giant blue head!" -Megamind
"Is there some kind of nerdy supervillain website where you get Tesla coils and blinky dials?
"Actually, most of it comes from an outlet store in..."
"Don't answer her!"
"Oh, right! ...Romania."
-Roxanne, Minion, and Megamind
"In case you've noticed, you've fallen right into my trap!"
"You can't trap justice! It's an idea, a belief!"
"Even the most heartfelt belief can get corroded with crime!"
"Justice is a non-corrosive metal!"
"But metals can be melted, by the heat of revanche!"
"It's REVENGE, and it's best served cold!"
"But it can be easily reheated, in the microwave of evil!"
"Well, I think your warranty's about to expire!"
"Maybe I got an extended warranty!"
"Warranties are invalid, if used beyond their intended purpose!"
"Girls, girls, you're both pretty! Can I go home now?"
-Megamind, Metro Man, and Roxanne
"She's using her nosy reporter skills to find out all our secrets! Very smart. But such tricks... won't work... on me."
"Please talk slower."
-Megamind and Roxanne
"Aargh a bouncy house? What was I thinking?! Girls don't like bouncy houses, they like clowns!" -Hal
"Good luck, guys!"
"Hahahaha we're gonna die!"
-The Warden, Megamind
"There's no such thing as the Easter Bunny! There is no Tooth Fairy! There is no Queen of England!" -Titan
"Back, you savages!" -Megamind