Thursday, July 23, 2009

Parted Clouds

Mmk so my younger sister Mackenzie has Autism. She's high functioning, but she'll have her ups and downs like the average teenager. Today was one of those days when the clouds part and you get to witness her full personality- it really is something to watch if you get the chance. I was sitting at my computer listening to a recording of the Book of Mormon when Kenzie plops down next to me and takes a peek at my screen.

*Gasp* "He recorded his voice??"

"Yeah, it's a recording of a guy readin-"

"I've ALWAYS wanted to hear Jesus' voice! That's my dream! I think that's everyone's dream. Isn't it yours, Samantha?"

If that's not a total heart-warmer, I don't know what is! I explained to her what it actually was and then she continued.

"Well, I think that's what His voice sounds like- The perfect man voice. Not too handsome, not too clueless. Juuust right. Not too cheeky, not too mean, not too nice. Just like heaven."

If that wasn't enough, she went on to tell me all about Joseph Smith. I was actually really surprised that she knew so much. I typed as fast as I could as she spoke and I think I missed some, but I got the bulk of it.

“There was this guy named Joseph smith who had no church to go to. So he just sat at home all day and this angel came to visit him and said 'You must find a church!' He had terrible luck finding a church and so he prayed in his room one night and a special angel named Moroni came to visit him. He said that there were golden plates buried in a hill. Aka, the scriptures. Also made into this book (Points to my scriptures). He said 'You must find the golden plates!' How do you know they're golden? Why, just lift up the pages just a little bit: The gold of Joseph Smith's past! So then he translated them into the modern English language using a pen or a feather pen. Or a modern typing machine. I bet someone thought a pen was too slow so someone invented the cash register, the calculator, and the computer." (She strayed a bit) "So anyway, back to Joseph Smith. He copied down those words and it turned into this (Points again). Someone found the scriptures and made a statement: 'Someone has been translating these words into English!' He was arrested because he copied the modern English translation. After he was let go, Joseph Smith made a plan to American that they could make a special place called, and what do you think it could be called? We know the answer! 1, 2, 3, (We had to say it at the same time, of course) The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! It’s a long name, but you have to respect it. And that’s why the church is so important! Got it, now? Huh? It makes it more interesting.

She can be as funny as heck sometimes. She also has times where she's oddly profound. She was then telling me about how she sees things different than "normal people" and when I asked her, this was her response:

“I don’t get to see what other people see, but I get to see what I see.”

I love that girl to death.

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